Geargasstore Custom Shop
Pedalpcb Organ Donor Pedal Parts Kit
Everything you need to build a PedalPcb Organ Donor Pedal.
Just includes all the parts you will need, you have to follow the build docs on to build it yourself.
Just includes all the parts you will need, you have to follow the build docs on to build it yourself.
- Pedalpcb Organ Donor PCB and 3pdt wiring PCB
- Drilled Plain Aluminum 125B enclosure
- Input/Output Jacks with serrated no slip washers, 9v adapter jack
- 3pdt switch
- Resistors, Capacitors, Diode, Crystal, Voltage Regulator, Opamps, Organ Donor EEPROM, Spin FV1 Chip
- 6 B100K pots with dust seals.
- 6 knobs
- A 5mm LED
- Plenty of wire for off-board wiring.
- Soldering iron
- Multimeter
- Needle Nose Pliers
- Wire Cutters / Strippers
- Screwdriver (Philips Head)
- Tiny Screwdriver (Flat Head)